8 Strange Keyboards


New Member
Jan 25, 2008
Here are a list of eight of the most unique keyboards on the market, or soon to be on the market.

In no specific order are 10 very unique keyboards that are designed to either make computing easier, the keyboard more comfortable, or to eliminate the usual big sized keyboard.

The Wearable Keyboard

A keyboard that you plug into the USB port on a computer and can type while it is attached to your arm. This is not exactly made for your general home office, and is more likely to be used at a work site where carrying a keyboard is not very practical. The price varies depending on the quantity. You can receive a quote from Terralogic.

The Optimus Maximus Keyboard

This is one of the new fully customizable keyboards on the market. Each key is a tiny LCD screen. You can choose what each key is, and will show. If you want to reorganize the letters, you can do that. You can also set keys to perform other things, such as html codes, or special symbols if you like. You can buy one of these online for about $450.

The Virtual Keyboard

The Virtual Keyboard is a laser keyboard. The unit is the size of a cigarette lighter, and uses Bluetooth technology to connect it with your pc. The keys are all illuminated onto a flat surface. You can simply type from there. Although the lack of feeling to the touch of the “keys” may not be same this is the ultimate space saver, and shows promise of many similar products, be it computer products or not, to come from this technology. You can get your hands on one of these for around $150.

The SafeType

This keyboard is meant to put the keyboard in as comfortable of a position as possible. You can move the different sections to different angles, as well as take them apart and put them on your lab. However you choose it's all about putting it in such a way that makes typing more relaxed for you. You can purchase one of these for about $300.

The Tidy Tippist

Here is a decorative keyboard with the keys disguised into the washable tablecloth. The keyboard and electrical components are sealed inside layers and layers of water resistant felt. It hasn't been put on the market yet, but you can expect its release in late 2008.

The AlphaGrip Keyboard

A game controller style keyboard. It plugs into the USB and you can type while sitting back reclined in a chair, running on a treadmill, or lying in bed. It features a ten finger keyboard and mouse all in the shape of a controller. Once you get the hang of this you can successfully type at fifty to seventy words per minute. You can pick one of these up for $100.

The ElekTex Fabric Keyboard

This is exactly as it sounds. It is a wireless keyboard place inside a piece of fabric. When you are done you can simply roll it up and put it away. If it gets dirty you can put it in the wash. Your best price would be on Amazon for $80 new.

The FingerWorks TouchStream LP

The TouchStream is both a mouse and keyboard in one. The keyboard splits in half to try to provide extra comfort. The keys are all flat, which can make them feel strange to type on. It retails on the internet for about $350.