Semantic Markup


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
One thing i value highly when coding sites is the use of semantic markup. This means i.e if your coding a heading mark it up as a header <h1></h1> etc.

What it comes down to is losing tables for layout. The table tag was created for use for tabulated data not for controlling the visual aspect of your website.

You can control all the visual aspect of your website by using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and any change is just to one file.

Semantic markup helps greatly for search engine optimization but it also helps with how other browsers view your website especailly disable users braille browsers and WAP.
I forgot the last part of my post which was to summerize the benefits:

Due to less bloated code pages load quicker so faster loading times a big plus to any user:)

Since content is seperated from design the whole visual aspect of the website can be changed from one stylesheet a bonus to any developer.

Using semantic code the website will be viewable and understood by users in all browsers including screen readers etc.

Better search engine ranking.

Chris, thanks for the great suggestions, I am personally building my site all css at the moment, it is a big learning step from HTML and Tables but it is worth it in the end I think :)