Hi, new to the site so I thought I would say hi, and add my bit to this thread.
I started coding HTML in 1997, learning through the tutorials in HotDog (the Dreamweaver of it's day). I went on to Notepad once I had the basics down, and still do everything in code, checking rather how the actual browers display my pages rather than the ones from the apps. I am paranoid that way.
I have since I started gaming heavily, and doing technical work created multiple sites for a combination of things, home style links pages to all my technical resources, pages for gaming groups I was a part of things like that.
Now I cheat, for smaller less dynamic sites (none of the web2.0 stuff basically) i will code everything from scratch using PHP primarily, and mainly keep things as CSS layouts rather than flash etc. Keeps the layouts and pages faster. For the more content driven / user driven sites (the web2.0 ones) I prefer to use the CMS packages, grabbing the one that best suits, and hacking it to do what I want.
Currently I run 2 Joomla Sites, 1 e107, and theme and content design for a PHP-Fusion site for a client, and have 2 small sites with are a mix of PHP and CSS. I do all the graphics work myself, and do my own photography, and use a mix of illustrator, photoshop and paint shop pro and for web design I use dreamweaver (all adobe CS3 atm, but I am getting CS4 in the next week or so).
Most of my work lately has been for the game I play (90% of my gaming life is towards it, and a lot of my clients are from it, and due to the nature of the game, they actually pay for me to continue to play it. I play eve-online.
I am looking at doing art and design at UNI, going back to do it, and moving into this area professionally in the coming years. So this site may well be a blessing for me!