How many sites do you run?

Ive only got the one now.

I used to have 4 but that was when I was off work sick for 8 months. Now I'm back at work 60 hours a week I just wanted the one to play around with. :)
Did you manage to make any good money with your 4 websites?? Hehe yeah when you are busy with work etc its hard to keep an eye on multiple sites!
Nah I didn't really try very hard. Before I started I didn't even know what a domain was and just got started into making sites to kill the boredom from being sick. I managed to teach myself a lot in 8 months so I guess it was worth it! :D
Ahh okay, hehe thats a great way to learn by trying things :D I must say I learnt that way myself, was pretty bored in my spare time at home and decided, I want a website too!!!
Yeah it is a great way to learn. Things don't sink in for me if someone shows me. I have to do it myself and explain things in MY terms :D
Yep, Get in there and get your hands dirty! I love learning hands-on... Reading books and stuff usualy bores me, and if someone tells me how to do it, I'll be able to do it a couple of times then nope, forgotten! Do it myself on my terms, I'll do it all day long :D